Fermoy Business Action Group fears commercial rates hike

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Fermoy Business Action Group fears commercial rates hike

Like many other towns around the country, another tough year is expected for traders in Fermoy, with a real fear of commercial rates spiralling when the town council is abolished.

Friday, 17 January 2014
8:40 PM GMT

In what Fermoy Business Action Group accepts is going to be another tough year for traders in Fermoy, its chairman says their main fear is of commercial rates spiralling, once the town council is abolished and Cork County Council take over.

As they laid plans for the coming year, their chairman Adrian Godwin said this week "2014 is going to be another tough year, however there is a glimpse of light at the end of the tunnel. It is hugely important that traders can see a way through the maze."

Among the many challenges facing local businesses in the coming year, he said, is the disbandment of Fermoy Town Council. Chief among the concerns over abolition, is the likely increase in commercial rates. "Once we become part of Cork County Council the rates are destined to increase. This will not be helpful for any business in town. We call on the town council in its current standing to try and ensure that any rate increases will be on a phased basis and that the businesses of this town are protected from rampant increases in the already high rates they face."


The FBAG chairman also said it's imperative that the town council tries to encourage new businesses to open in Fermoy. "Every business in town will tell you that they know of other towns that waive the rates for the first few months of a new business to afford them time to develop and grow their businesses. If other town councils can effect these waivers, then Fermoy should also be able to do the same. It makes sense to do so as you are ensuring that businesses are able to establish themselves. They already face huge initial outlays in relation to deposits and shop fitting. To allow a period of waiver will, I believe, ensure the business growth time and oppportunity to meet its rates bill on an ongoing basis."

They were delighted, he said, with the efforts of Fermoy Town Council to effect free parking on a more regular basis in the town. "Over the past number of months the free parking has been invaluable in the town in terms of attracting shoppers. In our view, free parking is necessary for the survival of the town. It is imperative that all councillors realise this and push to have free parking available for the shoppers of the town," Adrian Godwin said.


He reported their Christmas festivities were both successful and well supported and the Christmas lights switch-on in Pearse Square was the best attended in a number of years. They were delighted with the level of support from local business and the public for their Christmas market, which increased footfall and sales over that weekend. "It was a huge undertaking for us and thanks must go to all committee members who assisted in getting the square ready for the event."

They were most disappointed that the second weekend couldn't proceed as a result of stormy weather. "The second weekend was planned as a much bigger market and we expected a lot more traffic through the town because of the success of the first weekend," he explained.

They were also delighted that the town council saw their Christmas event as a success and say they look forward to continued support in 2014.

They hope to organise similar events during the year and again next Christmas. "As always we are open to new ideas and comments from both members and non members. If any business finds themselves in a situation where they need our assistance, we are glad to help. All they need do is to contact me on adrian@oaktreefinancial.ie"

Finally, responding to comments made by local councillor Seamus Coleman about difficulties caused on the Friday night of the first market weekend in Fermoy as a result of Pearse Square being closed off, the FBAG chairman said they couldn't have delayed the close off of the parking, as to do so would have delayed the setting up of the markets the following morning. "While we regret any inconvenience caused to any of our members that night, we had public notices in place from the previous Wednesday to advise of the parking restrictions. Perhaps if there had been sufficient notices as to locations of car parks, it might have helped," he concluded.

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