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Double yellow lines, on the double near Fermoy schoo

Anyone attempting to park on Chapel Hill, Fermoy will certainly be deterred by two sets of double yellow lines – however we’re assured, that while parking isn’t allowed, one set of lines will be removed in the near future.

Friday, 14 February 2014
12:10 PM GMT

Is it to be sure, to be sure? Motorists need not be in any doubt but that there is no parking on one side of Chapel Hill in Fermoy, with not one but two sets of double yellow lines there.

To be fair to the council, one set was already in place before the footpath was narrowed at the location recently, to allow the freer movement of traffic on what is a very congested road, especially in the mornings and afternoons when young pupils of Bishop Murphy National School are being dropped off and collected. The new lines were then put down when the job was finished.

Local councillor John Murphy, who lives nearby, is pleased with the work and believes it will help ease traffic congestion and improve safety. He's enquired about the two sets of double yellow lines and is being told by the council that a heated torch is needed to remove the superfluous set, but that the weather in recent weeks hasn't been suitable for the work to be done. As soon as the weather improves, it'll be done, he was assured.

In the meantime it's clear, there is absolutely, positively, no parking allowed on that side of Chapel Hill!!

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