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Don’t be asking awkward questions in Ireland

We need to keep paying our property tax and any new charge or tax that’s foisted on us to ensure the ‘water’ lads and lassies will get their bonuses …

Thursday, 16 January 2014
10:00 AM GMT

Where will it all end? Who knows? But, what we do know is that we need to keep paying our property tax and any new charge or tax that's foisted on us to ensure the 'water' lads and lassies will get their bonuses.

Where else would you get it only in Ireland? The 'top dog' being given the top jobs in the new water board; being paid top dollar for their troubles - and what do they do? The 'brains' blow four fifths of the budget on consultants. But how dare we question them on it - many of them already on fat pensions and lump sums while many good people in the country remain idle.

On holiday in Sicily twelve or fifteen years ago, our guide informed us (when we ran out motorway) that the Mafia had taken the money that had been set aside to see the motorway completed. This was the kind of stuff you saw in films and TV and, while we saw it as a joke at the time, little did we know the 'joke' our own 'mafia' were going to spring on us here at home.

As we face the new year, the very banks that we own, will set about evicting people from their homes. These home owners will be severely punished for trusting the people who sold them bigger mortgages than many of them needed. Yet, those who have blown €80million in a few short months scarcely have to answer for their actions!

Keep the blinkers on and don't be asking awkward questions. Just keep paying lads - that's the main thing!

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