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Ballyhoura Development in conjunction with Doneraile Development Association and FAS have teamed up to offer a full time Local Training Initiative in Furniture & Antique Restoration starting in Doneraile on January 30th.
The course will focus on furniture making and antique restoration and offer participant’s project based training and work experience related to the furniture and antiques trade. Furniture making and restoration requires many specialist skills and participants will learn methods such as furniture making, hand finishing, upholstery, and furnishings and fittings.
Participants will also learn other essential work readiness qualifications such as Health and Safety in the Workplace and Personal Effectiveness to enable them to go on to gain employment, self employment or progress to further training.
The Doneraile Furniture and Antiques course will be certified and lead to a nationally recognised Major FETAC level 5 award. The course is a wonderful opportunity to those seeking a recognised qualification or change of direction in their career. Ballyhoura Development would like to hear from anyone interested in the course that is currently unemployed, over the age of 16 and has completed their junior certificate.
Due to its fascinating heritage and history Doneraile is synonymous with antiques. The Local Training Initiative will have the benefit of the support and expertise of the local antiques trade who collectively operate 16,000 sq ft of antique showroom and auction space in the town. The quality reputation that Doneraile holds in the furniture and antiques sector is a unique opportunity for participants to progress personally in training and employment and also help in adding to the ever growing reputation of Doneraile as a centre of excellence for Antiques.
If you are interested in learning more about the Doneraile Furniture and Antique Restoration Course contact Anisa at Ballyhoura Development on 063-91730 or e-mail
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