Disabled community rep interested in place on traffic management committee

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Disabled community rep interested in place on traffic management committee

Tadhg O’Donovan welcomeS the declaration of interest received from a member of the disabled community iin becoming a member of the traffic management sub-committee.

Sunday, 17 November 2013
11:40 AM GMT

Local councillor Tadhg O’Donovan this week welcomed the declaration of interest received from a member of the disabled community in Fermoy in becoming a member of the traffic management sub-committee of the town council.

The issue caused a furore when it was debated at the October meeting of the town council with the sub-committee Chairman, Cllr Michael Hanley tabling a motion that the decision taken at the previous traffic management meeting to co-opt such a representative onto the committee be set aside. Instead of appointing a permanent person to represent matters affecting the disabled, he wanted them to invite such a representative only to those meetings where issues of relevance to them arise.

“I’m delighted to confirm this declaration has been lodged with the town council by the deadline and that those with an interest in disabled issues will take their rightful place around the table of the traffic management subcommittee,” Cllr O’Donovan said.

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