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Many of us will recall seeing the picture of the handcuffed Kent brothers from Castlelyons, Tom and William, being marched across Fermoy Bridge on their way to Cork Gaol following their arrest by British soldiers in 1916.
Their arrest came after a fierce stand-off with armed forces at their home in Bawnard, Castlelyons. Making the picture all the more poignant was that it was understood that the wagon in the background was thought to have been carrying their wounded brothers David and Richard, the latter of whom died of his wounds.
What a joy, though bittersweet it would be, if the remains of Tom Kent should be located following the search that is now agreed to be undertaken in the grounds Cork Gaol.
As 2016 approaches and should skeletal remains be found and the DNA testing be successful, one could reasonably expect that the burial of Thomas Kent's remains in the family vault in Castlelyons would attract a huge crowd to the East Cork village.
There has been much speculation down the years as to the exact location of the grave so, with the search now imminent, all we can do is hope and pray for a successful outcome. And should that be the case, let us hope there will be no political chicanery but rather, a solemn and dignified ceremony!
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