Devlin street ramps noise nuisance


Devlin street ramps noise nuisance

Ramps installed in Devlin Street in Fermoy are causing problems for local residents.

Sunday, 14 April 2013
12:00 AM GMT

Ramps installed in Devlin Street in Fermoy a couple of months ago to curb speeding motorists are driving local residents mad they’re so noisy. Local councillors have received numerous complaints about them.

The matter was before a recent meeting of Fermoy Town Council. Now Cllr Frank O’Flynn is raising it again, this time at the northern area committee of Cork County Council’s monthly meeting on Tuesday next.

“Residents are very, very upset at the noise levels,” Cllr O’Flynn said. They don’t want the ramps taken out, he clarified, but simply wanted something done to reduce the noise from them.

“There’s elderly people living there and also school students doing exams shortly and the noise from the ramps when traffic passes over them is very bad,” he explained.

He is to ask the area engineer to modify the ramps so that they cause less noise.

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