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An offer has been made to replace the tree damaged along Ashe Quay in Fermoy recently, following an article published in The Avondhu last week.
The incident of vandalism was highlighted by former town councillor, John Murphy, who was then contacted by Patrick Collins from Kildorrery, the man who originally supplied the trees to Lagan Construction.
“Patrick saw the article in The Avondhu, then rang me about it and said he’d replace the tree. I’m delighted that the response has been so good, it just goes to show that people out there are concerned.
“I got a lot of responses to it, a lot of people said how disgusted they were with what was going on there, considering the beautiful job that has been done there,” Mr Murphy said.
Before the tree can be replaced, it will have to be given the green light from Lagan Construction. Mr Murphy added that there is a need for CCTV to be installed along the quay as soon as possible.
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