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The blue summer skyline over Mallow last week was punctuated by the sight of a 500 and 200 tonne crane in addition to the construction cranes lifting the various parts of Dairygold’s new 7.5 tonne/hour milk dryer into its new home on the Dairygold site at Annabella.
The lift was part of Dairygold’s €83.5 million investment in the complete redevelopment of its milk processing site to create a word-class dairy facility that can produce a suite of dairy ingredient milk powders up to Infant Milk Formula standards.
The redevelopment integrates Dairygold’s existing 5 tonne/hour milk dryer with this new 7.5 tonne/hour milk dryer as well as a completely new milk intake and storage facilities, new pasteurisation and separation plants and new automated bagging, palletising and stretch hooding facilities. The works on-site over recent months included the laying of 24,000m2 of concrete and some 10km of underground cables and drainage excluding any process piping.
The construction work also facilitates the installation of a second 7.5 tonne/hour milk dryer to be added when required. By the time the overall project is complete with three dryers in place, the Mallow dairy complex will be equipped to manufacture over 450 tonnes of milk powder a day.
“It took two industrial cranes to lift the dryer and a various parts of the new evaporator into place," Dairygold’s engineering manager John O’Mahony, said.
"The main body of the new dryer weighed a massive 60 tonnes and was lifted in two sections and took several hours meticulous manoeuvring to lift it safely into place. Thankfully all went according to plan and we move on to the next stage of internal fit-out.”
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