Cycle hopes to raise €25,000 for St Joseph's Foundation


Cycle hopes to raise €25,000 for St Joseph’s Foundation

A local group of cyclists who are organising a four-day cycle from Malin Head to Mizen Head are hoping to raise €25,000 for St Joseph’s Foundation in Charleville.

Tuesday, 22 October 2013
10:40 AM GMT

A local group of cyclists who are organising a four-day cycle from Malin Head to Mizen Head are hoping to raise €25,000 for St Joseph’s Foundation in Charleville.

The ‘Better Life Cycle’ cycle was the brainchild of keen cycling enthusiast John Walsh from Mitchelstown, as his sister in law Noreen Pigott has two children who avail of the services of St Joseph’s and it is a cause, which is close to the hearts of many. 

Noreen explained that St Joseph’s provide specialist care and support to children and adults with disabilities and to their families.

The cycle will take place on the June bank holiday weekend next year and it will be launched next week on Saturday, October 26, at 9pm in Walsh’s in Mitchelstown.

Former Cork manager Conor Counihan will be a guest of honour on the night and people will be given information packs about the cycle, which will take four consecutive days, covering 620km. 

The ‘Better Life Cycle’ participants will set off on Thursday morning and finish up on Sunday afternoon and John Walsh, the chairman of the organising committee, is urging individual cyclists from the locality, as well as cycling clubs from Cork, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford and further afield, to take part and support this great cause.

They are also hoping to encourage different well known personalities to join them for legs of the journey, which will raise further awareness about the event and St Joseph’s Foundation.

Participants planning on taking part will have to raise a minimum of €250 through sponsorship and this will all go directly to St Joseph’s while other fundraisers will be organised to subsidise the cost of the cycle for the cyclists.

Those wishing to take part will need to start training over the next month, to make sure that they are ready for the challenge, as they will need to gradually build up their speed, distance and stamina. 

For more information or for businesses who can offer the event any support through sponsorship, contact

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