The recent poisoning of a search and rescue dog on The Knockmealdown mountain range has left a great void, not alone for Jim O’Brien its owner, but also for SARDA, the Search & Rescue Dog Association.
Locally there are volunteers attached to SARDA – notably Eadaoin O’Gorman (Lismore) and Jim O’Brien (Ballyporeen). Eadaoin is the proud owner of Murphy, a tireless operator, who is at the peak of his search and rescue powers.
Unfortunately, for Jim, his hugely promising Labrador/Collie cross, Bonnie, is no more, having been poisoned, while training on the Knockmealdown Mountains, close to the townlands of Doon (Araglin) and Kilcaroon (Ballyporeen).
It’s a huge loss for owner Jim, and a massive setback for SARDA.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition