Couple arrested after Kilworth cannabis seizure


Couple arrested after Kilworth cannabis seizure

A couple were arrested at a house near Kilworth on Friday last after Gardai found €3,000 worth of cannabis.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013
1:10 PM GMT

A couple were arrested at a house near Kilworth on Friday last after Gardai found €3,000 worth of cannabis on the premises.

The intelligence-led operation was carried out by Fermoy District Drugs Unit and uniformed gardai. The 39-year-old male and 41-year-old female who are understood to live in Fermoy, were detained at Fermoy Garda Station for questioning. They were later released and a file is being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions.

In a follow-up operation, Gardai recovered a small amount of cannabis from a house in Fermoy.

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