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Residents in the Corrin area of Fermoy have appealed to the members of the Fermoy Electoral Area Committee to consider a complete revamp of the road.
Cllr Frank O'Flynn, who invited residents to give a deputation at this week's meeting in Mitchelstown, said that there is an ongoing problem with the speed of traffic in the area, while Cllr Noel McCarthy added that the road needs to be fully resurfaced, in light of the increase in heavy traffic over the years.
Speaking to councillors, residents and farmers spoke about the Corrin area being a huge hub of employment, but the road network needs to be brought up to a standard sufficient to cope with the amount of traffic in the area. They argued that stones on the bridge are starting to give way, the ditch needs to be widened there and the roadway needs to be resurfaced and revamped.
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