Another busy week at Corrin Mart this week brought bigger numbers to the ringside across all categories of livestock.
We are continuing our selling exclusively online but that doesn’t phase us at this stage – due in part to us getting very comfortable with the process but also the fact that both sellers and buyers are very confident in that same process.
Of course the fact that the trade for everything across the board is very buoyant at the moment also certainly helps. This is just as well because selling online only is going to stay with us for quite a while going by the overtures coming from higher authorities.
Taking all this into consideration, we would advise anybody with stock to sell to consider selling with us over the next few weeks as we have great demand from an incredibly wide range of customers with us each week..
We had our usual large number of dry cows again this week and trade stayed almost identical to last week’s strong trade.
Store cows: 400 to 550kgs making from €1.10 per kilo to €1.64 per kilo.
Heavier cows: 550 kgs+ making from €1.25 per kilo up to €1.71 per kilo.
Char 830kg €1600; Fr 625kg €1,050; Fr 590kg €880.

A slight increase in numbers of bullocks offered for sale this week and this certainly did not put a damper on the trade. Lighter bullocks just about ready to go to grass – hopefully – were most in demand but an equally strong trade was seen right through all breeds and weights. Even the heavy bullocks are in and around the prices that we saw in those sales just after Christmas. Which is a good indication in the confidence that is creeping back into the trade.
Light stores: under 350kgs made from €1.50 per kilo for plain Friesians up to €2.49 for continental bullocks. With AA/Her types making from €2.02 per kilo up to €2.35 per kilo.
Medium stores: 350kgs to 500kgs starting at €1.55 for Fr up to €2.66 per kilo for continentals. AA/Her bullocks made from €2.00 up to €2.24 per kilo.
Frwd stores: 500 to 600kgs. The plainer Fr started at €1.60 per kilo up to €2.30 per kilo for Cont. Her/AA made from €1.90 up to €2.20 per kilo.
Heavy bullocks: 600 kgs+. Good demand for heavy bullocks making from €1.85 up to €2.25 per kilo.
Lim 350kgs €930; AA 250kgs €570; AA 500kgs €1,100; Ch 350kgs €890; AA 425kgs €950; Fr 560kgs €1,000.
Last weeks improved trade was easily maintained, in fact most prices were improved by €15 – €20 per head. All heifers offered this week, all breeds and weights averaged an impressive €2.09 per kilo.
Store heifers: under 400kgs made from €2.00 up to €2.44 per kilo. AA/Her averaged at €2.13 per kilo.
Butchers heifers: 400kgs+. These type heifers made from €1.95 up to €2.30 per kilo, with AA/Her averaging at €2.03 per kilo.
Ch 295kgs €680; AA 468kgs €980; AA 372kgs €860; HER 350kgs €750; AA 248kgs €980.
Our calf sale is now on Wednesday’s at 1pm. Numbers are increasing each week but trade is still strong with Fr Bulls making from €40 to €135.
HER/AA Bulls from €140 to €300 and heifers from €120 to €200.
The trade for our woolly friends is continuing is upward trajectory. Factory weights averaged at €2.60. Butchers weights averaged €2.55 per kilo.
52kg €164; 48kg €144; 51kg €158; 56kg €162; 43kg €126.
We had a dairy sale last Friday with buyers bidding strongly for calved and in calf cows and heifers. Prices ranged from €1,400 up to €2,000. We are taking entries for our next dairy sale and are actively seeking all types of Dairy stock to satisfy the exceptional current demand.