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Several churches within The Avondhu catchment continue the tradition of Corpus Christi processions and while not on the scale they once were, these ceremonial occasions are still important to Roman Catholics.
Following 11am Mass in the Church of the Nativity of Our Lady in Ballyhooly last Sunday, parishioners made their way to the nearby Lios Ard estate - a relatively new, well maintained development on the Glanworth Road.
Priests in attendance included Fr Pat Scanlan and Fr Donal Broderick. The procession also included recent First Holy Communications from Ballyhooly National School. Local volunteers and a Garda car controlled traffic while the procession took place.
A combination of factors meant the crowd was modest but this didn't take from the solemnity of the occasion. Following open air benediction, Fr Pat Scanlan made a point of thanking those who assisted with the ceremony - Deirdre Attwood who assembled and decorated the temporary altar, Linda Murphy who sang a number of hymns and John Roche, who was responsible for transport and amplification.
Fr Scanlan gave a special mention to altar server, Amy O'Sullivan who assisted with Mass in the absence of fellow servers who were in Thurles for the Cork/Waterford game. Fr Pat described Amy as very conscientious and dedicated. In addition to regular duties, she had to carry a two metre long cross from the church to Lios Ard.
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