Cork engineering companies have collaborated with STEAM Education and STEPS Engineers Ireland, to inspire primary school kids to be the engineers of the future!
STEAM Education’s 10 week ‘Engineering-in-a-Box’ programme has been proving hugely successful, with over 20 Cork-based engineering companies involved in supporting local primary schools (4th/5th/6th class) in their area to run the programme.
To date, the engineering programmes have reached nearly 1,000 children in Cork schools, giving them and their teachers an insight into the day to day work of engineers in many fields.
STEAM Education Ltd. are a not-for-profit educational company working out of UCC, who run science, engineering and maths programmes in primary schools around the country.
STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths.
Ruairí Ó Súilleabháin, Múinteoir Ranga ag Scoil Naomh Iosaf, Riverstown, Glanmire spoke on the benefits from the programme, saying: “The children have really enjoyed the whole experience of STEAM’s ‘Engineering in a Box’, especially the hands-on tasks where they are learning how to problem-solve, plan, build, test and evaluate various prototypes. There is a huge overlap with these skills and the skills on the Primary Science Curriculum, so it’s also got huge educational benefits. Our Gilead co-teachers have fully embraced the program and have developed a great rapport with all members of the school community here.”
STEAM Education are supported by STEPS, the Engineers Ireland programme, which encourages primary and post-primary students to explore the world of STEM, while also promoting engineering as a career choice.
Contact STEAM at 021-4205437 for further details.