Controversial road markings removed


Controversial road markings removed

Lines denoting parking spaces on the Duntaheen road in Fermoy outside the houses at Grattan Terrace have been removed by the Town Council.

Saturday, 15 December 2012
9:00 AM GMT

Cllrs Noel McCarthy and Tadhg O'Donovan at Grattan Terrace on the Duntaheen in Fermoy where parking spaces have been removed by the town council to be replaced by a continuous yellow box to allow residents of the terrace to park there and access their homes. The change follows representations from both councillors on foot of complaints from residents. (EL-d)

Cllrs Noel McCarthy and Tadhg O’Donovan at Grattan Terrace on the Duntaheen in Fermoy where parking spaces have been removed by the town council to be replaced by a continuous yellow box to allow residents of the terrace to park there and access their homes. The change follows representations from both councillors on foot of complaints from residents. (EL-d)

Lines denoting parking spaces on the Duntaheen Road in Fermoy, outside the houses at Grattan Terrace, have been removed by the local town council. Parking spaces were recently delineated by a white box running the length of the terrace, in an attempt to help residents of the terrace to park and to access their houses.

A number of residents had broken into their gardens to provide their own off-street parking and had paid a levy to the council for doing so. When the white box was installed, they found motorists parking there, believing it was ok for them to do so. Consequently they couldn't park on the road outside their homes or get into their garden area to park.

A resident of the street told The Avondhu how difficult it made things, "I couldn't get in or out of my house," he said.


Following representations to the town council by Councillors Noel McCarthy and Tadhg O'Donovan on foot of complaints from residents, the council has now removed the continuous white line and have marked out the area to install an extended yellow box instead to help keep it clear for residents.

Both councillors said this week they are pleased the council listened and took on board the complaints of residents and have agreed to the measure in an effort to resolve the problem.

Meanwhile, the white line which was drawn to accommodate parking spaces, leaving an unfeasibly narrow lane for drivers on the extremely busy Duntaheen Road, have been removed and replaced, thus leaving a proper sized lane.

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