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Conna Dramatic Society in ‘Deathtrap’ by Ira Levin

This Saturday and Sunday (15/16th), Conna Dramatic Society introduces Ira Levin’s thriller, ‘Deathtrap’ to the stage of the local community centre.

Friday, 14 February 2014
9:35 PM GMT

This Saturday and Sunday (15/16th), Conna Dramatic Society introduces Ira Levin's thriller, 'Deathtrap' to the stage of the local community centre and for those who cannot make it this weekend, they will perform again next weekend (21st to 23rd), nightly at 8.15pm.

'Deathtrap' is set in the isolated New England home of thriller playwright, Sidney Bruhl (Brendan Hurley). The action centres around the play, 'Deathtrap' - a new thriller by unknown dramatist, Clifford Anderson (Dave O'Leary) which he has sent to Sidney for comment. Without success to his credit for some years, Sidney plots with his reluctant wife Myra (Ann Hurley) how best to plagierise 'Deathtrap'. And when Clifford turns up to discuss the play with 'the master', events take a sinister turn.

A great night out in Conna - don't miss it!

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