Last Sunday, April 11 was the Golden Jubilee of Fr Seanie Barry’s ordination to the priesthood in 1971. Half a century is a long time and everyone in the Bride Rovers GAA Club and I’m sure the wider parish community send our warmest congratulations on a great achievement.
Fr Seanie has given fifty years of his life in the service of the Kiltegan Fathers. He has served the Order in many roles both on the Mission fields in many parts of Africa as well as in Kiltegan itself. At present based in Kenya Fr Seanie has been a tremendous ambassador for his Missionary Society, his family and community.
When the name of Bride Rovers Hurling Club is mentioned anywhere around this country people always say “Oh yes Seanie Barry played with ye”. Indeed he played with us, in truth he was the inspiration in our club and our hurling teams from 1965 for nearly two decades.
Winning two East Cork B grade championship medals in 1966 and 1975 and in between never to be forgotten A grade titles in 1968 and 1969.
Full story in this week’s Print & Digital Edition