Community council workers continue to give Mitchelstown a make-over
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The good work of Mitchelstown Community Council workers has been commended this week, as workers have been busy weeding, cleaning and carrying out maintenance work across the town.
Sean Finn told The Avondhu that they currently have 12 workers, between the TUS and Rural Social Scheme and that they are all placed in different areas with varying responsibilities, to ensure that the town is brought up to and maintained at a high standard.
He explained that they have been cutting grass by the roundabouts, cleaning the side streets and laneways and carrying out work by the playground, church and square, as well as other areas.
Sean Finn said that over the next 12 months, they will have covered the whole town, ensuring that the main streets and side streets are all well kept.
Many people, from residents and business people to those working in the town, have been commenting on the difference the good work is making to the town and complimenting the workers for what they are doing.
Sean added that if anyone has tools or equipment that they could donate, it would be much appreciated.
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