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Next weekend Saturday and Sunday, 13th and 14th April at Castletownroche Church after both Masses there will be a church gate collection in aid of the Castletownroche Juvenile GAA Club. Your support will be greatly appreciated.
Castletownroche will play Buttevant next Monday evening, 15th April in the 1st round of the football championship. The match will take place in Doneraile at 7pm. Gumshields are compulsory for this game and all football games. As this is the 1st championship game to be played by our newly formed club players are really looking forward to the game. So come out and support the lads on Monday night if you can.
Well done to the U13s who played their final league football game last Monday evening against Millstreet in Castletownroche. Millstreet won the game but the Castletownroche side can be very proud of their efforts particularly in the very wet weather conditions and throughout the league also.
All players will be notified of training and matches via the club phone. Any queries to club phone 087-6082717.
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