Christmas cheer at Fermoy Meals On Wheels gathering
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Present and retired Meals On Wheels volunteers brought some festive cheer to Fermoy Community Resource Centre last week for a Christmas themed coffee morning.
Cook Sharon Browne acted as host, ably helped by Carol Barry, to the large gathering of volunteers. Sharon was very happy to welcome back some retired helpers who gave so much of their time and effort in the earlier years of Meals On Wheels.
All present were treated to a delicious array of Sharon's famous scones, along with other Christmas delicacies. To add to the culinary delights, guests were highly entertained by the inimitable storyteller and actor John Arnold, who on this occasion was accompanied by his actress neighbour, Frances O'Riordan.
Presents too were provided for all the guests. All present wished to thank Sharon for her hospitality and to wish her, and all volunteers, a restful and joyful Christmas.
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