Celebrations on the double as Kelly gives Voice to her ambitions
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19-year-old Fermoy girl, Kelly Mongan, announced this week that she has not one but two reasons to celebrate. Kelly, from the Rathealy Road in Fermoy, become something of a celebrity after appearing on the popular competition The Voice on RTE.
She made it through the blind auditions after being chosen by Westlife star and Voice choice Kian Egan. That wasn’t her only good news however. On Tuesday Kelly announced that she is pregnant, with her baby due in April. She and her husband Bernie married in a fairytale wedding in Fermoy in June last year.
Kelly is the second eldest of ten children, five boys and five girls, of Timmy and Kathleen McDonagh. Much has been made since Kelly appeared on the show of the fact that she’s a Traveller, the first to appear on the show. Kelly herself says however that she wanted to show that, any girl who's shy, whether she’s a Traveller or not, can still get out there and live her dreams.
Kelly wowed the audience with her performance of the Whitney Houston power ballad ‘I Have Nothing.’
“I’m a big fan of hers and I love big ballad-type songs,” Kelly told The Avondhu this week.
She acknowledges however, that the next stage of the competition could be harder, as it requires her to take part in a sing-off with another contestant and that the song will likely be chosen for her. Another change in her next appearance on The Voice will be in her style. While Kian said, after choosing her, that she needed to tone down her style, he changed his mind afterwards, saying she was his 'little Cheryl Cole' and that she didn’t have to change the way she looks.
That said Kelly herself says she’ll adapt her style due to her pregnancy. She’s 'over the moon' about being chosen to go forward and is waiting for word from the show on when she’ll taking part next.
Since the show was screened last Sunday night, Kelly has been stopped by people in Fermoy asking if she is the girl who appeared on the show and wishing her well. Her sister Kathleen has had some attention too. She closely resembles Kelly. She was backstage with Kelly’s husband and her parents at the auditions. Out and about in Cork this week she was being stopped by people wondering if she was Kelly.
"She thought it was funny," Kelly said.
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