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Farming News from North Cork, South Tipperary, East Limerick and West Waterford.

Dairygold announces East Cork Regional winner

Dairygold recently announced Christy Ring as the East Cork Regional winner of their annual Malting Barley Competition. Farm on the island of Cobh, Kathleen and...

ICMSA say End-of-Year Bonus should be on the agenda of all...

The chairperson of ICMSA’s Dairy Committee, Noel Murphy, has called on all milk processors to pay an end-of-year bonus to all their suppliers and...

Teagasc National Dairy Conference: Challenges aplenty but opportunities exist

The opportunities and challenges facing dairy farmers were addressed at the Teagasc National Dairy Conference, which is taking place in Limerick Racecourse, County Limerick...

Wind Farmers Conference hears out-of-touch policy needs urgent reform

Members of the Irish Wind Farmers Association (IWFA) attending its Annual Conference on Thursday last, November 28th, voiced their concern at the slow progress...

ICMSA AGM has farmers questioning State ‘picking up the tab’ for...

Last Monday’s (December 3rd) ICMSA AGM held at the Limerick Radisson saw Denis Drennan, give his inaugural AGM address as president of the state’s...

Farmers share knowledge and practical ideas on caring profitably for our...

Six from Cork have joined with Irish farmers, for a new book combining scientific research with local knowledge that gives farmers and others practical tips on how to create a...

Cork farmer named CellCheck champion

Awards aimed at recognising the excellence achieved by Irish dairy farmers in herd health, specifically those that achieve a consistently low somatic cell count...

ICMSA highlight PRSI “absurd anomaly” in transition from Sole Trader to...

The Chairperson of ICMSA’s Farm Business Committee, Pat O’Brien, has called on the Government to address what he said was a serious anomaly that...

‘Robust Dairying for Future Challenges’

The Teagasc National Dairy Conference will take place at Limerick Racecourse in Patrickwell, county Limerick on Wednesday, 27 November. The theme of the conference is...

Prestigious sustainability awards for Dairygold and its members

Dairygold’s commitment to sustainability was recognised last week at two separate award ceremonies, with the Co-op picking up four awards across several categories at...

Avondhu Stories
