The new vice president of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation is Mary Magner, a native of Castletownroche living in nearby Killavullen.
She represented North and East Cork as well as Cork City North on the INTO executive since 2011.
Educated in Castletownroche NS and Loreto Convent Fermoy, Mary became a graduate of St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, in 1982.
She began her teaching career in inner city Dublin, teaching in St Gabriel’s School in Aughrim Street before returning to Co Cork where she taught all class levels in many urban and rural schools before securing a position in St Patrick’s BNS, Mallow, in 1995.
Since then, Mary has pursued a M.Ed. in ICT in Education in Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, and further studied a post-graduate diploma in SEN in University College Cork. She became both an acting teaching principal and an administrative principal in St Patrick’s BNS and was also a Resource Teacher for SEN children in the school.
Mary is currently principal teacher in Scoil Chroí Íosa, Blarney since 2014 and is a trained mentor and executive coach, mentoring newly appointed principals with the Centre for School Leadership. Mary is also a member of the Association for Coaching.
Mary’s first introduction to INTO was as a member of Dublin City North Branch. From the outset, Mary became an active union member, willingly participating in a 3-day strike in the early ‘80’s for teachers’ rights to employment and decent salaries. Mary has served as Staff Rep, leas-Cathaoirleach and Cathaoirleach of Mallow Branch and as Secretary of District 16.
During her time on the INTO executive, Mary has been involved in several INTO committees including the Learning Committee, Trade Union Training, the Principals’ Forum Review Committee, Pay Equality Project Team and is currently Cathaoirleach of the Task Force on Participation.
She also represents INTO on the Early Childhood Board & Primary of the NCCA, recently advocating the slowdown of pace of curriculum change.
Married to John, they have three children, James, Marie and Sean. Mary is an avid cyclist and hill-walker and especially enjoys adventure travelling and photography.
“I am privileged and honoured to take up the role of Vice-President of the INTO and I pledge to work steadfastly to improve working conditions and incomes for all our members. I am keen to encourage active grassroot participation and I commit to ensuring that our Union continues to be a cohesive, powerful lobbying force,” Mary said.