Calling communities to avail of €13.2m funding for energy upgrades
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Announcing €13.2 million funding for the Better Energy Communities Scheme in 2015, Minister for Energy Alex White, TD and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) are calling on Cork communities to avail of the grants for local energy projects. Minister White said almost one-sixth of Irish homes had benefited from Government-funded energy efficiency upgrades, which supported an average of 3,500 jobs a year.
Minister White said: “We need individuals, communities and businesses to engage with the energy agenda if we are to be a more sustainable society. That is why public consultation has been a central pillar of the energy policy paper, which I intend to publish this year. Through the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, more than €300 million in grants have already been provided to householders under the Better Energy Programme. This has delivered energy efficiency upgrades to more than 275,000 homes – nearly one sixth of all homes in the country.
“By using less energy, most of which comes from imported fossil fuels, we’re not just saving money, we are also putting people back to work. The companies active in the Better Energy Programme employ people to carry out energy efficiency upgrades. This means that much of what we spend goes back into our communities.
“By rolling out energy efficiency technologies through local businesses, community facilities and sports clubs, we are also showing that energy efficiency technologies work. This is crucial in persuading more people to undertake energy efficiency improvements in their homes or businesses,” he said.
Dr Brian Motherway, CEO of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, which manages the scheme, said “It is heartening to see the growth in communities tackling the issue of sustainable energy in a positive way, reaping the gains of local employment, cost savings and environmental improvement. Collaboration is the future of energy retrofitting in Ireland, with the benefits felt across the communities.”
In 2015 SEAI is also launching a network for sustainable energy communities and champions that wish to go further than just grant activity and develop longer term community strategies and systems. Further information on Better Energy Communities can be found on or to register your interest in the Sustainable Energy Communities network email
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