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Former GAA president, Sean Kelly MEP, is calling on sports club administrators to familiarise themselves with 'OSCAR' (Online Sports Capital Register) the new online system to apply for the Sports Capital funding programme, before the (28th) February deadline. The 2014 Sports Capital Programme will be open for applications on Friday, 17 January 2014 and Sports Organisations must register (online) by 5pm on Friday, 7 February 2014.
In a progressive move to facilitate sports groups, the Sports Capital Programme has also gone digital, so clubs must now apply online in a new system called OSCAR. Sports organisations should also take note that this will be the only way to apply for grants under any future rounds of the Sports Capital Programme.
Sean Kelly MEP and member of the European Parliament Culture, Education, Youth and Sport committee, said: "In these challenging times sports organisations across the country can be heavily dependent upon state funding, such as the Sports Capital Programme, to maintain and develop club facilities, therefore club administrators and community group leaders need to familiarise themselves with this new online application process to ensure their club can benefit from this sports fund. The new online system 'OSCAR' also provides some extra useful information, such as; allowing groups to view previous grants and payments, change contact details, seek payment of a grant and also be able to communicate with the Department online.”
Any organisation that wishes to make any future applications must first register online at Register early to ensure that you can apply under future rounds of the SCP. The Department has written a guide to the registration processs, please read this prior to registration.
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