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As plans are being finalized for Friday night’s table quiz in The Hunter’s Rest, Mitchelstown, the thoughts of members of CBS Primary Parents’ Council, Mitchelstown will be focusing on their upcoming annual fashion show.
Quizmaster John Hickey, in his own inimitable way, is sure to test the knowledge of participants in this Friday’s table quiz, to be held in The Hunter’s Rest, with an 9pm start. Entry is €40 per table of 4, why not get a team together and enjoy a great night out.
The date for this year’s annual fashion show is Tuesday, March 5th, which is a week earlier than last year. Again this year the Hilary Thompson Model Agency girls will be on the catwalk with fashions from local boutiques and some local models also taking part. It all begins with a cheese and wine reception. Tickets will be on sale shortly.
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