Brave Kildorrery student set to take on a skydive – an fulfill his dream
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Taking on a 30 second freefall and two minutes of gliding from the daunting height of 13,000 feet is no mean feat - one that most people would shy away from. But for 14-year-old Eoin Fenton, it will transform his dream into a reality.
The second year student in CBS Secondary, Mitchelstown, who hails from Kildorrery, has muscular dystrophy, which he has had since he was born. The condition weakens his muscles. He told The Avondhu that the skydive is a way to raise awareness about muscular dystrophy, while also raising money for Muscular Dystrophy Ireland.
Speaking about the importance of Muscular Dystrophy Ireland, Eoin said that the association would take them on days out to the cinema or on day trips, would provide information days and also let him meet and interact with people his own age, who also have muscular dystrophy.
Speaking to The Avondhu, he said that a lot of his friends think he's brave to do the skydive. As soon as he put the event up on his own Facebook page, within two days, it had gotten more than 370 'Likes' and had been shared 130 times. The Kildorrery student said that he can't wait to do the skydive on June 21. As well as running different fundraisers, himself and his friends also have sponsorship cards for people who wish to make donations.
A huge GAA fan, Eoin will also be meeting with the Cork hurling team who have backed his fundraising efforts by donating a signed jersey. He is hoping to raise over €500 from his efforts.
Having muscular dystrophy means that Eoin has to live life a little differently to his classmates, who all give him wonderful support. His strength of character cannot be underestimated.
At just 14, the level-headed student was quite frank about the fact that he used to be able to run and play hurling, but now due to the loss of muscle tone, he can no longer do those things. He told The Avondhu that in a few years, he will no longer be able to walk. Strengthening his muscles is a constant effort and he does a half hour or more of physiotherapy and exercises every night.
Mitchelstown CBS are 100% behind Eoin's fundraising and the parents' council have already made a contribution to his campaign, while the school will also be faciliating a number of fundraisers. These include a jersey day, a cake sale and a sports day for second year students. Cork hurling goalkeeper, Anthony Nash is also kindly putting forward a Cork jersey signed by the hurling team, to be auctioned or raffled off.
Teacher Maria Feehan said that the skydive is Eoin's way of giving back to Muscular Dystrophy Ireland, who have given him so much support. "As a school, we are very proud of his bravery. He's achieving his dream, while also raising money for a charity he believes in," she said.
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