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The weather remained kind to those who attended the St Patrick’s Day parade in Ballyporeen and the well-attended event was enjoyed by young and old. In keeping with the 30 year-old tradition, the parade was led by the James Fitzgerald Memorial Band under the baton of Sean Chamberlain and they were followed by an enthusiastic group of tots from the local childcare centre. They in turn were followed by various other walking groups representing local schools, clubs and associations and then came the floats, adding a spectacle of colour and joviality to the day’s proceedings.
And while the various groups and floats lined up for the parade as the time ticked closer to 3pm, the catering personnel from Ballyporeen Community Council served up delicious bacon and cabbage to those who felt so inclined.
The parade was organised as usual by the local Community Council and they would like to thanks all those who took part and made the parade such an enjoyable and successful event. Anticipation was high as the results were announced for best float, best group etc., and a very successful art competition was also held in conjunction with the parade. Full results next week.
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