Batt Sheehan and his wife Gerardine from Ballymountain, Ballynoe are just starting out on the adventure of a lifetime as they begin making a name for themselves in organic dairy produce.
Batt and Ger are already part of a co-operative of ten family-run organic dairy farms in Munster and Leinster called The Little Milk Co. The milk from these organic farms is collected and sent off to be made into cheese.
The company is managed centrally from Dungarvan and their products are available at select locations across Ireland.
This co-operative company was set up seven years ago and has gone from strength to strength.
The 60 hectare farm at Ballymountain, Ballynoe was converted to an organic farm back in 2007. Batt and Ger loved the idea of letting nature do its work on the farm.
An especially important natural fertiliser on the Sheehan’s organic farm is the clover that grows on their land. It’s this clover that gave them the name for their new business – Four Clover Dairies.
The Sheehan’s have only recently set up their new organic dairy company and their first product is raw organic milk produced by their dairy herd of 60 cows. In the future, they hope to branch into organic yogurts and other dairy products as the business grows.
“We’re just trying to start it up at the moment,” Batt told The Avondhu. “Organic milk is a niche market and customers are always understandably looking for value for money but we’ll try our best.”
Batt and his family have recently started attending Lismore Farmers Market to start getting their product out on the market.
We wish Batt, Ger and family all the best of luck in their endeavours.