Our annual open came to a very successful conclusion last week with three exciting nights of finals. We had an great deal of supporters come down to the clubhouse is the hope of seeing some great tennis and they were not disappointed.
With the majority of the finals going to the tie break deciders, many of the matches were tension ridden with just a couple of shots making the difference.
It is safe to say the standard was very high which is an indication of the stronger tennis coming from all of the North Cork clubs, which were well represented in this tournament.
This year we ran it as ladies and men’s rather than the usual mixed doubles and the feedback was very positive.
Ballyhooly did itself proud with the club making 6 of the 12 finals and winning the cup division 1 ladies and men’s and ladies division 2, which is a new record for the club.
Full report and pictures in this week’s print & Digital Edition