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Ballyhooly backing Phil Leahy in bid for council seat

On Friday night, February 7th, Phil Leahy’s bid to become a Cork County Council member, received a significant boost.

Saturday, 15 February 2014
10:00 AM GMT

Phil Leahy's bid to become a member of Cork County Council got a significant boost on home soil on Friday night, February 7th, when a large representative cross-section of his own Ballyhooly community attended the local launch in the community centre, where tea, coffee, sandwiches and delicious treats were served.

In welcoming all present, Peter Lombard, Phil's election agent and Fine Gael party colleague, outlined the Castleblagh man's outstanding community, sporting and cultural contribution to his native Ballyhooly over the years, attributes that would now be of benefit to the local electoral area stretching from Araglin to Newtownshandrum.

Phil was to the fore in the refurbishment of the local hall, the provision of the two playing fields / sports complex and the building of An Cuan - the sheltered housing development, Peter stated. Peter went on to appeal to all present to help elect Phil on May 23rd and create another bit of local history, making him the first Ballyhooly person to secure a seat on the local authority.

The man of the moment then addressed the assembled crowd with a witty and heartfelt speech which was greeted by sustained applause at its conclusion. He explained how he thought long and hard before deciding to throw his cap in the ring. The support and goodwill extended to him by so many since the nomination has been very encouraging and humbling, he declared. Phil thanked everyone for coming and, while stressing he was a lifelong member of Fine Gael, acknowledged the presence of supporters of other political parties and non-political men and women on the night.

Phil thanked his family, friends, the FG party and the wider community for all the support and encouragement received following his selection, with Aileen Browne and Kay Dawson also on the FG ticket, to contest the 6-seat Fermoy Municipal area for membership of Cork County Council.

Phil went on to state how pleased he was to have been involved in the GAA, Macra na Feirme, Tug-of-War and community council and to having made a difference with many others to improve the locality for the benefit of all. He was delighted to see so many school classmates, fellow tug-of-war pullers and team-mates from the 1985 divisional and Cork county winning hurling side that created its own bit of history present on another special Ballyhooly night.

Praising the contribution of sport to the wellbeing and health of the local community, Phil extended best wishes to Mike Ross for Ireland's Six Nations rugby campaign and lauded the sporting achievements of renowned national and international athletes, John Hartnett and Tom Leahy, who had put Ballyhooly on the sporting map.

A hurler and footballer of note in his day, who was prepared to put his head where many wouldn't put their hurley, Phil expressed delight to have been involved in the administrative and coaching side with the local GAA club in good times and not so good.

Phil was especially pleased to be involved at juvenile level in recent years, with some success achieved and hopefully foundations laid for future teams and more silverware for the club he and his family have been an integral part of through the years.

In the weeks ahead Phil promised to meet as many of the electorate as possible before polling day. "In my community, sporting, cultural and farming endeavours I have always given it my best shot and my pledge to you is to do likewise as a member of the new-look county council. I again thank you for your attendance at this local Ballyhooly launch, for your votes on polling day and I assure you of my continued friendship and support always", Philly concluded.

The message from Ballyhooly is clear - go for it Phil, the parish is strongly behind you and the electoral area is sure to benefit if and when you are elected to Cork County Council following voting on Friday, May 23. In the 100 or so days of campaigning expect to meet this seanchai, sportsman and gentleman in the flesh seeking your vote. Ballyhooly's latest 'poster boy' is heading your way.

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