In 2021, Cashel farmer Jim Ryan invented a new form of a calving jack called the Calving Assist. Jim had regularly experienced back problems when pulling new-born calves, and from chatting with other farmers, he discovered shoulder complaints were also an issue.
After numerous attempts to create a device to take the pressure of the back, Jim eventually landed upon the Calving Assist. His clever thinking led to him collecting the Agri-Safety Award from Enterprise Ireland for 2021. He has also teamed up with Farm Relief Services in Cahir, the only place the product can be purchased.
The device has two metal grapples to hold the calving ropes in place. A key feature of the Calving Assist is a lever the farmer can pull to release the belt in the event that the user needs to get out of the way in a hurry.
The belt can hold approximately 1.3t in weight and is designed to be in position on one’s glutes, protecting one’s lower back in the process.
“You get a very good anchor into the ground; you’re pressing off your legs,” explains the Cashel farmer.
“All the weight goes on your legs, resulting in no stress on the back and shoulders.”
Jim has gone onto to become a big hit on social media, with a video he posted on YouTube last year attracting over 16,000 views. He also does adverts on FRS Cahir platforms promoting the product.
FRS Cahir is the only place to buy this award-winning item. You can call into the store at Carrigeen Industrial Estate, Barrack Street, Carrigeen, Cahir. They can be contacted on 052-7441598 or email shop@frscahir.ie. It can also be purchased on their online shop at www.frsdirect.ie/product/calvingasssit.