Avondhu area locals help Console through Cork Mini Marathon run
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Console are a charity set up in 2002 to assist those affected by suicide. A non profit organisation, they have branches throughout Ireland and like all other charities, they rely heavily on fundraising to keep going.
In The Grand Hotel, Fermoy last Thursday night, a group of locals handed over a cheque to Console representative, Pat Maher - the money was raised through sponsored participation in this year's Evening Echo Cork Mini Marathon. In total the ladies succeeded in raising €1,358.
Pat thanked the group saying the donation was much appreciated and would be put to productive use. In addition to those pictured, we've been also asked to mention other Console supporters who took part in the mini marathon - they include: Andrea O'Keeffe, Eileen Flynn, Kay Nash, Nicola Burke, Natalie O'Neill, Joanie Moriarty, Ann McConville, Nora Lane and Veronica Gubbins.
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