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A full lineup of events has been organised to mark Fermoy's first ever 'Fermoy Against Bullying' week. The initiative comes from the Fermoy Family Coordinating Group in response to the issue being raised with them. The aim is to have an informative and educational week on the subject. The full list of events is as follows:
Fergus Heffernan, Psychologist - "Bullying – A symptom of how we are in the world”
March 19 at 7.30pm, The Theatre, Fermoy Youth Community Centre.
Val Mullalley - "Bullying – Can it be Prevented?”
March 19 at 7.30pm, The Theatre, Fermoy Youth Community Centre.
Willie Daly - The Last Matchmaker from Lisdoonvarna (Hosted by Fermoy Active Retirement Group)
Entertainment – Stories, Music and Songs
March 20 at 2.30pm, Anderson Room, Fermoy Youth Community Centre.
Tutors from McAfee Internet security Group - Digital Media Talk /Presentation
March 20 at 8pm, Anderson Room, Fermoy Youth Centre.
Kathryn Canty, Community Guard Fermoy - Bullying and the Law
March 20 at 8pm, Anderson Room, Fermoy Youth Centre.
Ciaran McKinney, Age and Opportunity (hosted by Fermoy Men’s Club) Cultural Companions
March 21 at 12 noon, Anderson Room, Fermoy Youth Community Centre.
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