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Families flocked to the 500 acre Millstreet country park on Sunday for the 3rd annual Kite Fest in aid of Breakthrough Cancer Research.
Kite fans, kite flyers and families alike enjoyed the day’s activities where Ginormous 3D kites took to the skyes, along with kite-flying demos, kite making demos, a puppeteer who entertained young and old alike along with a host of family games.
Now in its 3rd year, Kite Fest was the brainchild of nurse and cancer survivor Joanie Hanley. Joanie, who lives in Kilworth, set about creating an event that was all inclusive.
“As a cancer survivor, I wanted to come up with a way to support cancer research, I knew a marathon was out for me, so I came up with this idea because during my treatment, when I needed a boost, I could go out into the fresh air, fly my kite, look up and feel a sense of hope for the future. I want to share that feeling with others and in doing so help to raise money for such a worthy charity Breakthrough Cancer Research. Kite Flying is such an inclusive activity, and is suitable for all ages and motilities!
Orla Dolan, fundraising director of Breakthrough Cancer Research said: “We are extremely grateful to Joanie and the team at Millstreet Country Park for their dedication in organising this fantastic family friendly event.”
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