Aldi names SVP as 'Charity of the Year'


Aldi names SVP as ‘Charity of the Year’

SVP have been working in partnership with Aldi for several months and have been granted permission to place clothing bins in many of their sites around Ireland.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013
12:00 AM GMT

SVP have been working in partnership with Aldi for several months having been named it’s Charity of the Year and have been granted permission to place clothing bins in many of their sites around Ireland.

Also, this Saturday has been designated the Aldi Flag Day in aid of the Society of Saint Vincent De Paul nationwide. Please support this event to bring in much needed funds to support your local SVP Conference and local people in need.

Aldi began their Charity of the year partnership with a gift of €25,000 which they would like to be focused on the education of young children.

SVP hope to run a series of campaigns in the coming months with Aldi Stores throughout Ireland and would like to thank Aldi and all their staff in anticipation of these events.

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