A decent home


A decent home

The dreadful conditions that a Mitchelstown traveller family are living in has to be seen to be believed.

Thursday, 28 March 2013
12:00 AM GMT

The dreadful conditions that a Mitchelstown traveller family are living in has to be seen to be believed. It says little for our society and even less for those who are paid to ensure such things should not happen in this day and age.

The McDonagh family have been in Mitchelstown for 22 years now and are well respected in the area. When they were housed at their present location all of 11 years ago, they were promised that this would be a temporary measure that would last less than a year. It is difficult to comprehend how, when there are so many vacant houses around the area, these people have to suffer such injustice.

Recent figures have show that Cork County Council used just over €1 million for traveller accommodation in the past six years, even though their allocation was close on €6 million. Some number of months ago, this family asked The Avondhu to hold off on this particular story as once again, they had been promised that something would be done.

They have now been told the Council will be knocking the house on the site in the next two weeks and replacing it with shower and toilet facilities. But the family claim this is not enough as they need a place that is suitable for all of their family to live together in.

A HSE worker has agreed that these people are living in horrific conditions for this day and age. It would seem that this stop-gap situation of a new bathroom is simply throwing good many after bad. It’s time to give these people a decent home!



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