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It is a matter of urgency that the current population of Fermoy is increased to 10,000 in order to promote the town’s economic and physical growth, the chairperson of the Fermoy Enterprise Board said this week.
Currently the population of Fermoy is less than 7,000. In the 2011 census it was documented as being 6,489, and local businessman Michael Hanley has stressed the importance of increasing the town’s population 'as a primary catalyst in securing it’s future prosperity'.
Mr Hanley cited a 15-year-old report on Fermoy in which the need for a larger population was outlined. The report, published in 2000 and titled Fermoy Integrated Economic & Planning Strategy, was prepared on behalf of Fermoy Enterprise Board by Town Planners & Landscape Architects Cunnane, Stratton & Reynolds.
The study identified a number of primary issues of concern to the future development of the town. Among the issues cited included a declining population, restrictions in the growth of quality residential developments, poor quality urban environment within the town centre and increasing competitiveness from Cork City.
The vision statement of Fermoy Enterprise Board focused of the objective of increasing the town’s population, an objective that Mr Hanley says is as pertinent in 2015 as it was then.
“We’ve always been concerned by the population levels in the town. We think the population level is too small to justify the ambitions of certain forms of retail activity. To support those ambitions we said then, and we’re saying now, it’s a matter of urgency that more public and private housing is provided in Fermoy. That’s the key, as we see it, to getting more footfall on the streets.
“We talked about wanting this 15 years ago, which shows us how far back we are now. I fully understand it’s not as simple as it sounds, the recession and the flood plan must be accounted for, but it’s a matter of urgency that this town’s population begins to rise,” he told The Avondhu.
“Fermoy has the capacity for a greater population; it has plenty of zoned land. We’re very well placed in a geographical sense to handle it, because of our proximity to Cork City and to Dublin with regards the closeness of the new road system.
“I see the key to the prosperity of Fermoy as being getting more people to live in Fermoy. I’m not talking about large estates, I would like to see and hope to see that housing will be in smaller lots, both public and private,” he added.
Mr Hanley called for a speedy resolution to the ongoing issue with the Freshwater Pearl Mussel, which threatens to inhibit large-scale housing projects, and for greater efforts by politicians to secure housing, both public and private, for the area of Fermoy. As well as a larger population, he has pressed the need for a large-scale hotel in Fermoy, to cater for the entertainment needs of the current population and any future residents.
“There’s no doubt in the world that Fermoy needs a large-size hotel. To me it’s an indisputable reality. We’re witnessing thousands of people annually migrating elsewhere for social entertainment, moving out of this town for weddings, funerals and social events. For Fermoy, being a hyperactive town socially, it’s a very sore point at this stage," he said.
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