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Michelle Butler Cooke from Mitchelstown is a woman with a mission.
On May 8th last she walked from Darkness into Light for Pieta House (the centre for the prevention of suicide and self-harm) and such was the experience that she has now organised a public meeting to see if there are people interested in making an application to the charity to host the event in Mitchelstown next May.
She tells The Avondhu that an application needs to be made before August 2015 for next years event so if the consensus is positive she hopes to establish a working group and proceed from there.
“The walk I did last month was a very moving experience. The message was ‘Let the Light Shine’ and it did as thousands of people wound their way around Thomand Park in Limerick. To me they flowed like a steady stream of consciousness calling people to join in solidarity with the hundreds of people and families struggling with depression in our country.
If we are to let the Light Shine we must acknowledge that each of us has a light inside us. This Light can be dimmed by fear, anger, jealously, hate and malice. It can be ignited by love, encouragement solidarity, patience, kindness, gentleness and trust. The latter embodies the qualities of the society which I want to live in and bring up my children in.
All over the country people are taking action. They are running, cycling, walking for their chosen charity. These charities give support, healing, hope to people who are often suffering in isolation and in silence. We get so much back when we give a little of ourselves to others and it is empowering to be part of a movement such as ‘From Darkness into Light’.
Many people in the community have already participated in the walk in venues nearby such as Mallow, UCC, Kilmallock and are keen supports of Pieta House and the work that they accomplish. There’s no reason for Mitchelstown to be left out when it comes to hosting the walk also.”
Michelle believes that bringing Darkness into Light to Mitchelstown would be beneficial for the whole town as ‘it would strengthen the community spiritually, emotionally and socially’.
The public meeting will be held on Thursday, June 18 at 8pm in The Firgrove Hotel, Mitchelstown. All are welcome to attend and any advice about moving forward with the project are welcomed to be emailed to
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