Are we all so foolish?


Are we all so foolish?

Are we all so foolish that we continue to knock the Government when they make further cuts to services?

Thursday, 17 January 2013
12:00 AM GMT

Are we all so foolish that we continue to knock the Government when they make further cuts to services that impact on the aged and vulnerable in our society?

That anyone would even consider to cut funding to the Seniors Alert Scheme under which persons over the age of 65 can apply for funding for a Personal Pendent Alarm really makes one wonder. Again this week we read of an 84 year-old woman being assaulted and robbed in her own home – for the second time. One has to question the decision to close 100 more Grada stations at a time when crime is on the increase, particularly against the elders of our communities.

The Irish people have shown how ready they are to row in and help their neighbours. Muintir na Tire’s Community Alert Scheme has proven that. Volunteers within the Community Alert Groups are on the front line and they know what devastating effects the proposed cut to the Alert Sceme would have, had it been forced through.

Further proof has been the manner in which local groups came in behind the Community Involvement Scheme which is now also under attack, with the Governement raising the local contribution from 25% to 50%. Even the change of having in future, to apply to the Department rather than to the Council for funding, seems ludicrous.

As with the change in applying for a driving licence, it would appear the Governemnt is hell bent on making life difficult, not just financially, but every other way possible.

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