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One has to wonder if the parents of children who bully others, really understand the terrible trauma they put their victims through? The ‘anti-bullying’ initiative being undertaken in Fermoy at the moment has to be commended. How well do we know our own children and their behaviour towards others? “My Johnny/our Mary would do nothing like that”! Great if that is the case, but should someone have reason to approach you or me (through whatever medium) to the contrary, then it is time to be sure and to take control of the matter.
The pain and suffering that bullying causes is immense – not just to the victim alone, but to his or her family. Parents must take responsibilty for the actions of their children from a young age with regard to bullying: to impress on them how wrong bullying is and the dreadful consequences of it and even more importantly, to act – should it be brought to their attention that their child is a bully.
Fermoy Family Coordinating Group, a group of individuals and representatives from groups in the Fermoy area who meet regularly to discuss issues relevant to supporting families and community development, are behind the anti-bullying initiative, having decided to act after being approached by a number of people concerned about the issue.
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