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Waterford's top gardens are being manicured and are in top shape despite the harsh weather, as the countdown begins for the second annual Waterford Garden Festival which runs from April 30 to May 12.
The Waterford Garden Trail features 16 incredibly diverse gardening attractions, ranging from the gardens of great old houses, to smaller gardens and garden centres and most are open to the public throughout the festival.
Over the course of the 13 day event, an illustrated talk on garden restoration by Seamus O’Brien at Kilmaccuragh Gardens takes place in the iconic Lismore Castle and a talk at the breath-taking Dromana House & Gardens nearby is a must for those interested in foraging for herbs and wild flowers and using them for maintaining good health.
Other key festival events include tutored painting classes in the sheltered gardens at Tourin in Cappoquin and and outdoor talk by expert birdwatcher, Jamie Durant at Cappoquin House. Pre-booking is essential for many of the events.
The festival concludes on Saturday, May 11 with a free workshop on companion planting at Blackwater Garden Centre and on Sunday, May 12 with ano open day at Salterbridge Gardens, Cappoquin.
Other more local gardens open during the festival include Ballyin Garden in Lismore, six acres which slope down to the river and feature lots of Monterey Cedar, one with the largest girth of any tree in County Waterford and Lismore Castle Gardens, a stunning gem surrounded by seven acres featuring a wide variety of beautifully maintained plants and trees.
For more on the festival, check out www.
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