'Mini' mission draws the crowds in Rathcormac


‘Mini’ mission draws the crowds in Rathcormac

A ‘mini’ mission centred on family and community life in these challenging times which was held in Rathcormac last week was deemed a success with all events very well attended.

Friday, 26 April 2013
3:00 AM GMT

A ‘mini’ mission centred on family and community life in these challenging times which was held in Rathcormac last week was deemed a success with all events very well attended.

To prepare for the mission, three ‘Rogation Days’ were held. These were special days set aside in bygone days where people would pray for good crops. In modern times, crops have come to stand for a lot of things, whether it be actual crops or jobs, health, good decisions made by legislators or good results in exams. The three Rogation Days were marked with evening Mass in both Bartlemy and Rathcormac on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights.

The mini mission, organised by Rathcormac Parish Council, then opened on Thursday night with guest speaker Sr Caroline Sweeney. Friday night then focused on the family with a prayer service and Taize Cross and followed by refreshments and an opportunity for people to gather and chat in the parish hall afterwards.

The focus on Saturday night was on community with Fr Michael Fitzgerald speaking on the subject of prayer. Saturday night was deemed ‘Come and See’ night with those attending encouraged to offer a lift to a neighbour or extend an invitation to a friend who may not attend Mass in Rathcormac regularly.

Parish priest of Rathcormac, Fr Neilus O’Donnell, was pleased with the success of the mission. “It went very well, we had a full attendance for it,” he reported.

He said people welcomed the shorter than traditional mission and also that they kept it local, with speakers drawn from the area, rather than bringing in outside speakers.

“It was felt it was a good idea to hold the mission particularly in these difficult times, especially for those in the agricultural sector, with the fodder crisis,” Fr O’Donnell remarked.

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