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At the recent meeting of Fermoy Town Council, Councillor Tadhg O’Donovan called for a fingerpost sign to be erected on the Pike Road indicating the turn for the Cúl Mona and Lios Oir housing estates. Road users need to be informed of the turn off, he told the meeting.
The town engineer suggested a nameplate instead, saying planning permission wouldn’t be required in that case, whereas they’d need permission from Cork County Council for a fingerpost sign. Cllr. O’Donovan said however that a fingerpost sign would be preferable as it’d be more effective. When the matter was put to a vote, there was sufficient support for the motion and it was carried.
Fermoy Town Council was called on to amend the byelaws for the playground area at the town park at its recent meeting. Cllr. Tadhg O’Donovan pointed out that there are presently 42 different byelaws governing the town park and they need to be amended. Cllr. Noel Barnes agreed and seconded the motion.
Mayor Olive Corcoran, who chairs the town park committee, said Cork County Council have brought out byelaws for every playground under their jurisdiction. Cllr. O’Donovan said however that it was a matter for Fermoy Town Council and not Cork County Council. “It might be when the town council is abolished but it’s not at present,” he said. Town Clerk Pauline Moriarity clarified that Fermoy Town Council had adopted its own byelaws. She advised that the park committee is presently updating them.
“We’re putting down motions but nothing is done. I’d like to see the town council abolished in the morning. Otherwise we’re complicit in this.” So said an angry Cllr. Tadhg O’Donovan at last week’s town council meeting. He was angry that a motion passed by members, for a ramp to be installed at Bachelor’s Walk in the town, wasn’t done.
He’d called for the ramp to stop motorists using the route as a ‘rat run’ while flood relief works were going on on the bridge, from speeding through the residential area. He was told that it was no longer a problem since the bridge works were finished. The essence of his motion had been ignored, he said. “It’s a bloody poor day for Fermoy Town Council when it’s seen in such a poor light,” he thundered.
Town Clerk Pauline Moriarty said it was discussed with the OPW. She promised to check the minutes of that meeting and revert back to Cllr. O’Donovan. The OPW did consider the request, she said. “I’d save yourself a job. The work wasn’t done, the motion wasn’t implemented” Cllr. O’Donovan retorted. The town engineer, John OLeary said that, to avoid any inaccuracies, he would give the councillor a written reply to his complaint.
A little while later Cllr. Seamus Coleman also voiced his frustration, this time over council officials being slow to come back to them on foot of enquiries made. He had asked if there was any word back from Cork County Council’s housing officer on the Crann Ard situation. At a previous meeting members decided to write to the housing officer seeking an update on the situation, whereby council tenants promised houses in Crann Ard cannot move in because works need to be done to the estate and the developer is no longer operating. Attempts are being made by the council to draw down the developer’s bond from the bank to do the works.
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