Celebrating 40 years in the EU in Kilbehenny

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Celebrating 40 years in the EU in Kilbehenny

To mark Ireland’s 40 year anniversary in the EU and the European Year of Citizens 2013, Ballyhoura Rural Services will be holding a special day of celebrations in Kilbehenny.

Sunday, 17 November 2013
3:40 PM GMT

To mark Ireland's 40 year anniversary in the EU and the European Year of Citizens 2013, Ballyhoura Rural Services will be holding a special day of celebrations in Kilbehenny.

The event 'Treasuring the Old, Embracing the New: Ireland in the EU' will take place in Kilbehenny Community Centre on Friday, November 22 from 10.30am until 4.30pm.

With guest speakers MEP Phil Prendergast and Aidan Gleeson, the chair of Limerick County Irish Farmer's Association, a variety of exhibitors and a number of fun workshops in the afternoon, the day promises to bring an enjoyable, engaging and informative event.

Project coordinator Kay Kennedy told The Avondhu that the recently extended Kilbehenny Community Centre provided the perfect venue with a number of large rooms that are ideal for the afternoon workshops in Tai Chi, therapeutic hand massage, chair yoga, dancing with Parkinson's, health and well being and creative writing.

She said that the workshops, which span across different interests and areas would give older people the chance to try something new and active retirement groups present on the day can also book the activities for their members.

"The workshops will highlight the opportunities that are available to older people to continue to broaden their horizons, to learn new skills, to meet like minded people and to share their life skills and experiences withe fellow community members," Kay said.

Kay added that this would be a great day out for people who might not go out that often and it will give them the chance to meet new people and experience new things.

There will also be some art, which will tie in with the theme of treasuring the old and embracing the new, from different local groups on display.

Moss Fitzgerald of Kilbehenny Community Centre said that they are delighted to be hosting the event in Kilbehenny and while work is still ongoing with tiling, painting and other small finishing touches, it will be completed by early in the New Year.

Speaking about the work done so far, on behalf of the community centre committee, Moss thanked everyone who has helped out in any way and the community employment scheme workers for helping to maintain the new premises.

He said that Ballyhoura Rural Services have been operating for many years in Kilbehenny and they do great work to tackle rural and social isolation in the Ballyhoara Region.

Their services include visits from Anne Piggott and Ita Luddy, the rural bus service operated by Marie O'Connor and other ways of helping people to find social outlets and become independent.

On Friday November 22, there will be exhibition displays from Citizen's Information, the Gardai, Ballyhoura Rural Services, Limerick County Council, Ballyhoura Development, emergency response, photo restoration, CareBright and Adapt Living.

On the day, there will be registration from 10.30am with tea and coffee on arrival, followed by speeches, a light lunch at 12.30pm, workshops and social dancing with music by Heart to Heart.

There is a charge of €15 per person and €20 if transport is required and people are advised to book a place as early as possible.

For more information or to enquire about or book transport, contact Kay Kennedy on 061-383666.

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