Invitation still open for Christmas Day dinner in Fermoy
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The invitation to anyone who might be dining alone on Christmas Day this year to share and enjoy a free Christmas dinner with others is still extended to people in Fermoy and adjoining areas by the Presbyterian church community.
It will be a traditional Christmas turkey and ham lunch, served at 1pm on Christmas Day at the church building at Allen's Walk, Greenhill, Fermoy.
This week they confirmed they have some room remaining to cater for extra people.
William Montgomery said some people who'd rung reported having difficulty in getting through. He apologises for any inconvenience caused. Anxious that no-one who'd like to join them on Christmas day misses out, he has given two further numbers for people to phone, Sharon on 087-1716903 or a message can be left on the landline 025-82953. His own number to contact is 086-3729144.
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