End in sight for flood relief works in Fermoy

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End in sight for flood relief works in Fermoy

Work on the south east and south west drainage schemes in Fermoy is finally nearing an end.

Friday, 25 April 2014
7:19 PM GMT

Work on the south east and south west drainage schemes in Fermoy is finally nearing an end. The flood relief works scheme's senior resident engineer Ger Barry, told a meeting of Fermoy Electoral Area Committee last week that the works are progressing well and are expected to be finished in the coming weeks.

This week he updated The Avondhu, saying Ashe Quay works are well advance with all major civil engineering works now finished, including piling and concrete base works. One section of wall remains to be poured opposite the Grand Hotel. Limestone paving and stone cladding works are ongoing on the quay at present and are reported to be progressing well. Resurfacing works are being carried out near Fermoy Community Youth Centre as far as Waterloo Lane. Temporary sheet piles are currently being removed from the river and the area between the community centre  and the Rowing Club will be fully open to the public within the next few weeks.

New street furniture including bollards, tree guards, litter bins, life buoys, benches and lighting will be installed this month which, with the new wall and toilet block, will greatly enhance the quay.  Works associated with the underground pumping station and new toilet facilities are ongoing. The entire works on the quay, including resurfacing at Pearse Square, are programmed to be fully completed by June.

At O'Neill Crowley Quay and Mill Island Road, works are also progressing with stone cladding and completion works underway. The two pumping stations in that area are almost completed. Limestone paving on the widened section of that quay are expected to commence within the next few weeks. Pipe laying will be done there as soon as similar works are completed on Mill Road. Those works are expected to be done by June.

The N72 road raising works are also advancing with wall, footpath and lighting there almost done. Traffic is expected to be transferred on a phased basis onto the new roadway within the next fortnight and work is expected to finish at that location by the end of May. The Courthouse road will be fully resurfaced as far as the M8 viaduct bridge. The earthern embankment works are 90% completed.

By the summer Fermoy is expected to be completely free of the works and looking well with its newly redeveloped quay areas, to the great relief of the business community and locals alike.

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