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Dog fouling blights Kilworth village

While dog fouling in many towns and villages can be commonplace, residents in Kilworth have taken a proactive approach to inform dog owners of their responsibilities.

Sunday, 19 October 2014
12:22 PM GMT

Residents in Kilworth have vented their frustration at the growing problem of dog fouling in the village. Speaking to a Kilworth resident recently, The Avondhu learned of a number of incidents weekly where young children and adults walk or run through dog waste, particularly in the green areas around the village.

Dog wardens have been contacted and informed of the issues, but unless a signed letter, reporting the problem, is passed on with the name of those responsible included – which these people can use to find out who reported them – no action can be taken. A person cannot be fined for not picking up their dog’s waste without a signed complaint.


This makes alleviating the problem difficult, and according to one Kilworth resident there is ‘so little we can actually do about it, other than raise awareness of its dangers’. Dog waste, if it comes in contact with a person's eye – which could easily happen if a child were to step in the waste – can cause blindness.

As a proactive measure, a number of dog fouling signs have now been put up around the village, in the hope of reducing the number of incidents and educating those culpable of its dangers and the associated fines, if convicted.

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